
Health disclaimer

Please read this health disclaimer before applying any of the information you have read on this website.

Regular exercise is not always without risk. Certain types of exercise are riskier than others and all exercise can be risky in some individuals.

The same goes for dietary advice. Some dietary recommendations are healthy for the majority but potentially dangerous to others.

You are responsible for your own and your clients health and safety at all times. As such, by visiting and using this website you are agreeing to the following:

You acknowledge and agree on that you or your clients have been assessed by a qualified medical professional (i.e. your doctor) who has given you consent to take part in physical activity and/or dietary changes.

Medical disclaimer

Barbell Health does not provide medical advice. The content is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Never ignore professional medical advice in seeking treatment because of something you have read on BarbellHealth.net

If you think you or your client has a medical emergency, immediately call your or your clients doctor or the emergy number of your country.